Flagler Trump Republican Assembly
Article 1-Name
The name of the Chapter shall be the Flagler Trump Republican Assembly, aka FTRA hereinafter referred to as the Chapter.
Article 1 (A)
The geographical boundaries of the FTRA Chapter shall reside within the area known as Flagler County Florida. The geographical areas shall include all incorporated and unincorporated areas of Flagler County. The official map of Flagler County may be used as a reference. The jurisdictional boundary may be revisited and adjusted, if necessary, following any redistricting in Flagler County.
The jurisdictional boundary may be revisited and adjusted from time to time, if necessary. The National Federation of Republican Assemblies and or the Florida Republican Assembly may, at their discretion, adjust the boundaries of F.T.R.A.
Article 2- Object
The object of the Club shall be:
(a) To attract members into and involve them in FTRA, hereinafter referred to as the Chapter, and subsequently provide them with practical means of conservative Republican activism, participation, leadership training and political involvement, at all levels of government.
(b) To support the principles, objectives, Bylaws and platform of the National Republican Assemblies, The Florida Republican Assemblies and the Chapter to help secure the election of all duly nominated Conservative candidates in the Primaries and the General Election and Conservatives in non-partisan elections.
Article 3-Members
Section 1 Membership
The Chapter shall recognize the following classes of membership:
(a) Active: Any registered Republican voter, who resides within the boundaries of Flagler County
(b) Associate: any other registered Republican voter who does not qualify for active status.
Section 2 Dues
The annual dues shall be thirty dollars for single and fifty dollars for couple for active and associate members. Checks shall be payable to the Flagler Trump Republican Assembly must be delivered to the Treasurer upon becoming a member, and then yearly on or before , December 29th of the Calendar Year.
Section 3 Good Standing
Members must be in good standing to participate in the Chapter and to hold any positions therein. Members not in good standing are subject to discipline up to expulsion from the Chapter. The Executive Board may review the status of members not in good standing and determine the proportional actions to be taken. Following the exhaustion of review before the local Chapter, a party may request review at the State level pursuant to Florida Assembly ByLaws.
Article 4- Officers
Section 1: The officers of the Chapter shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers must be from the active class, in good standing with the Chapter. Officers’ elections shall occur on even years at regular meetings of the Chapter during the month of December, or no later than January when necessary. This shall be considered the Annual Meeting. Elections shall be conducted for one office at a time. Voting of officers shall be done by secret ballot one office at a time, unless a candidate is unopposed, whereas a voice vote may be taken.
Section 2- Duties of Officers
The President shall preside over all meetings of the Chapter and its Executive Board and exercise general supervision over all activities of the Chapter. The President shall have the power to appoint all committee chairpersons.
b) The Vice President shall assist the President in supervising the activities of the Chapter and preside at all meetings in the absence of the President.
c) The Secretary shall be the recording officer of the Chapter, including meetings of the Chapter and Executive Board. The Secretary shall keep a record of minutes of all such meetings, making those minutes available to the general membership.
d) The Treasurer shall collect all funds paid to the Chapter or any of its committees, receipt thereof and deposit the same in accounts designated b the Chapter. The Treasurer shall be responsible for making all expenditures authorized by the Chapter. The Treasurer shall give a report at each regular meeting of the Chapter, regarding receipts, expenditures, and the financial status of the Chapter.
e) No candidate for public office or, elected official shall hold any Chapter Officer’s position, as contained in accordance with N.F.R.A and F.R.A By-laws.
f) All vacancies of officers shall be filled by a majority vote at the next regular/or annual meetings of Chapter, after vacancy becomes known. In the event the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall assume the office of President until a new President is elected at the next regular Chapter meeting.
Article 5- Meeting
Section 1: The regular meeting of the Chapter shall be held at the date, time and localities specified, as determined by the Executive Board. The Chapter shall hold a minimum of six regular meetings each year.
Section2: The regular meeting held during the month of December or January shall be known as the Annual Meeting of the Chapter, and shall be for, but not limited to, the election of Officers.
Section 3: Special meetings may be called by the President or the Executive Board, or any request of 50% of the members of the Chapter. At least ten days’ notice must be given, and the purpose of the meeting must be stated in the notice.
Section 4: Only members of the active class in good standing shall be allowed a vote in meetings of the Chapter. Proxy voting shall not be permitted in any meeting of the Chapter.
Section 5- A quorum shall consist of 25% of the Chapters membership.
Article 6- Executive Board
Section 1: The officers of the Chapter and committee chairs shall constitute the Executive Board. Only the Officers of the Chapter shall be voting members of the Board.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Chapter between Regular Meetings of the Chapter and fix the time and place for meetings of the Executive Board. The Board shall be subject to the orders of the Chapter and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the Chapter.
Section 3: Special meetings of the Executive Board may be called by the President or upon written request of three voting members of the Board.
Article 7- Committees
Section 1 . Auditing Committee composed of the Treasurer and three other members shall be appointed by the President promptly after the annual meeting. It shall be the duty of this committee to review the finances for the year, audit accounts, and help with budget considerations for the coming year.
Section 2. Social Media Committee will be responsible for all media releases in consultation with the President. It shall prepare press releases and handle media.
Section 3. Such other committees, standing and otherwise, as needed shall be appointed by the President as deemed necessary to conduct the work of the Chapter. The President is ex-officio member of all committees.
Article 8 Endorsements and Intra-Party Differences
The chartered Chapter may, during the Primary Elections, vet, support and endorse a Republican Candidate over another in accordance to the Bylaws of The National Federation of Republican Assemblies, and the Florida Republican Assembly. The Chapter may endorse, participate in or support, other than a Republican Registered Nominee, if there is no Republican running in a specific race.
Under no circumstances shall a chartered Chapter invite non-Republicans to be guest speakers at a Chapter meeting or function without prior approval of the State Republican Assembly President. The President of the Florida Republican Assembly shall be the authority with respect to internal disputes referred by any Chapter or member of a Chapter chartered under this rule. Pursuant to the Florida Republican Assembly Rules of Procedure.
Article 9- Parliamentary Authority
Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall govern the Club in all cases where they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the By-Laws, and the Florida Republican Assembly Constitution.
Article 10. Amendments to Bylaws
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote of members present, provided that said amendment has been submitted in writing at a previous regular meeting to the Chapter’s President/Executive Board for review and approval. Final approval and authorization shall rest with the President of the Florida Republican Assembly.
Article 11 Precedence of the N.F.R.A., F.R.A. Model Bylaws
1) In the event that any conflict should arise between this series of currently adopted Bylaws and those of the NFRA, or FRA Model Bylaws it is understood that FTRA Chapter shall review the NFRA and FRA model Bylaws for guidance.
2) Shall seek the assistance of the parent organizations, the Florida Republican Assembly administration. If necessary, appellate procedures are available for resolution of problems pursuant to the Florida Republican Assembly and the National Federation of Assemblies Bylaws.